Should Generative AI Chatbots Replace Customer Support Agents?

Generative AI chatbots can do a lot of what human agents can do. But should chatbots replace human agents? We at Gleen think that AI and human agents work better side-by-side.

We Give All Our Employees a ChatGPT Plus Subscription -- And You Should Too

Gleen gives all its employees a subscription to ChatGPT Plus. The results have been amazing.

Scaling Gleen's AI Chat Playground

We recently launched a self-serve product that can transform valid URLs into bots. Getting it ready for production was challenging due to the need for multiple system services to communicate.

Gleen's Email Integration: Streamlining Support Tickets

With Discord communities, many support tickets are created from incoming emails. Now view all tickets - from Discord, website, or email in Gleen AI's dashboard

Mastering Web3 Customer Support on Discord: The Ultimate Guide Using ChatGPT

Delve into Discord's top three customer support challenges. Get practical solutions to streamline and enhance your Discord support experience.

Gleen's AI Playground: Build Chatbots, Trained on Your Data

Create a GPT4-powered support bot that is both production-ready and accurate, and reliable, ensuring that your community receives the best possible support experience.

Delight your customers with the world’s most accurate and capable generative AI platform.