Generative AI Hurts Everyone: Shrewd Prediction or Dystopian Vision?
In the @techpolicypress article ““AI” Hurts Consumers and Workers — and Isn’t Intelligent“, @alexhanna and @emilymbender make the following arguments against generative AI...
Helix is Now Gleen
We’re thrilled to announce that Helix, your trusted partner in delivering the world’s most accurate and capable generative AI platform for customer success, is now
Should Generative AI Chatbots Replace Customer Support Agents?
Generative AI chatbots can do a lot of what human agents can do. But should chatbots replace human agents? We at Gleen think that AI and human agents work better side-by-side.
We Give All Our Employees a ChatGPT Plus Subscription -- And You Should Too
Gleen gives all its employees a subscription to ChatGPT Plus. The results have been amazing.
Scaling Gleen's AI Chat Playground
We recently launched a self-serve product that can transform valid URLs into bots. Getting it ready for production was challenging due to the need for multiple system services to communicate.
Gleen's Email Integration: Streamlining Support Tickets
With Discord communities, many support tickets are created from incoming emails. Now view all tickets - from Discord, website, or email in Gleen AI's dashboard