Transform Browsing into Buying with Conversational Commerce

Revolutionize your eCommerce experience with personalized, human-like shopping interactions

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of online products remain undiscovered by shoppers

Poor search experience designed around technical specs is at fault.


A conversational search experience is
the answer to being discovered by your shoppers:

Gleen AI Shopping Assistant delivers an intuitive, conversational shopping experience.
It guides customers to their desired products or introduces them to
unexpected finds that perfectly match their needs.


Conversational search

Get accurate, immediate answers, and personalized visual recommendations aligned with each shopper's unique preferences. No matter the complexity of the request.


Guided Discovery

Instead of overwhelming users with endless specs, the AI Assistant asks insightful questions to understand their needs. By uncovering specific preferences, it guides shoppers toward the perfect product, much like a helpful friend.


AI-Powered FAQ

Automatically generated FAQs are tailored to each product, anticipating customer questions and driving support efficiency. Smart FAQs - better support - happier shoppers.


Smart nudges

Smart gentle nudges speed up shopping. The assistant senses when shoppers hesitate, offering helpful prompts or enticing deals to guide them to a decision.

How the magic works

The AI Shopping Assistant learns from the company’s product catalog, fragmented information across the company’s knowledge base, and LLMs. Plus it gets Gleen’s secret sauce - the hallucination-free AI that won’t allow an inaccurate answer to slip through.

The real magic happens behind the scenes. Our intelligent algorithms uncover hidden desires, transforming casual browsers into delighted customers. Gentle nudges and perfect product matches guide shoppers to purchases they never knew they needed.

The assistant is omnipresent on your website or mobile app, always learning, and acting at exactly the right time. Shoppers can engage in multiple ways: by initiating a chat, by selecting a tailored question in the product description, or by responding to a prompt or timely offer.

Bring Amazon Rufus’s style conversational shopping experience to the rest of e-Commerce.

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