How Gleen AI Protects Your Brand

Many enterprises are wondering how a generative AI solution can protect their brand. As it turns out, Gleen AI protects brands in multiple ways.

How to Improve Customer Service Efficiency

Improving the customer service efficiency makes customers happier and streamlines your agents' time and effort. Here are 7 tips to maximize the efficiency of your CS team.

The 3% Hallucination Fallacy

For an LLM, a 3% hallucination rate might sound great. But it's a complete fallacy.

How to Improve Response Time to Customers

Average First Response Time and Average Response Time are important customer service metrics. We'll show you how to calculate both and discuss 3 tips to improve response times.

10 Tips to Improve Slack Customer Support

Slack is great for improving collaboration and communication. It can also be an incredible platform for improving customer support. Here are 10 tips to improve customer support through Slack.

What Is Deflection Rate? (And 5 Tips to Improve Deflection Rate)

Self-service is becoming increasingly important in customer service, and deflection rate is a key measure for how effective your self-service options are. Here are 5 tips on how to improve your deflection rate (and your resolution rate).

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