How to Guides

Your Ultimate Guide to Using a ChatbotAI in Customer Service

ChatbotAIs, or AI chatbots, are revolutionizing online customer service. We discuss 11 tips for effectively deploying chatbotAIs effectively in CS, and Gleen AI is the easiest and fastest way to implement those tips.

How to Improve Customer Service Experience

Improving the customer service experience requires investing in technology that can improve personalization, response times, and CSAT. Generative AI Chatbots like Gleen AI can help a lot.

How to Improve Customer Service In Ecommerce

Ecommerce platforms can now offer a more personalized experience than ever before, but in order to maximize lifetime value (LTV) of your customers, your customer service needs to be on point.

How to Overcome the Customer Service Language Barrier

Deploying a generative AI chatbot like Gleen AI is the fastest and most effective way to overcome language barriers in customer service.

How Gleen AI Protects Your Brand

Many enterprises are wondering how a generative AI solution can protect their brand. As it turns out, Gleen AI protects brands in multiple ways.

How to Improve Customer Service Efficiency

Improving the customer service efficiency makes customers happier and streamlines your agents' time and effort. Here are 7 tips to maximize the efficiency of your CS team.

How to Improve Response Time to Customers

Average First Response Time and Average Response Time are important customer service metrics. We'll show you how to calculate both and discuss 3 tips to improve response times.

Delight your customers with the world’s most accurate and capable generative AI platform.