
Top 10 Criteria for Selecting a Chatbot SaaS Vendor

Generative AI chatbot SaaS solutions minimize time and risk for enterprises to deploy GenAI chatbots. Most notably, Gleen AI also eliminates hallucination and provides industry-leading data security and privacy.

The 3% Hallucination Fallacy

For an LLM, a 3% hallucination rate might sound great. But it's a complete fallacy.

Welcome, GPTs

OpenAI’s GPTs will allow both consumers and enterprises to build tailored versions of ChatGPT. But Gleen AI is still the leading solution for enterprise-grade generative AI.

On AI Safety, AI Security, Trustworthy AI & Responsible AI

The White House issued an executive order on safe, secure, and trustworthy AI. The good news is, Gleen AI already incorporates many of the key points of the Executive Order.

Have We Reached Peak AI Hype?

Recently, there's been a lot of negative press about Generative AI. Have we reached Peak AI Hype? Is it all downhill from here? We think not.

Why LLM Fine-Tuning isn't Always a Good Idea

LLM fine-tuning sounds exciting and easy. But the actual costs associated with LLM fine-tuning can often far outweigh the benefits.

What are the Disadvantages of Chatbots?

There are many perceived disadvantages of using chatbots in customer service. If you license a generative AI chatbot, you can eliminate most or all these perceived disadvantages.

Delight your customers with the world’s most accurate and capable generative AI platform.